Horror Parallax

Parallax Scrolling Effect

Parallax is the observed displacement of an object caused by the change of the observer's point of view. In astronomy, it is an irreplaceable tool for calculating distances of far away stars.

Observed from Earth, the night sky appears two-dimensional. But it's anything but. However, it took astronomers thousands of years to figure out how to measure distances of stars from our planet and create actual three-dimensional maps reflecting the distribution of stars and galaxies in the universe. One of the key methods they use is the so-called parallax, which relies on the same effect as stereoscopic vision.

It works like this: hold out your hand, close your right eye, and place your extended thumb over a distant object. Now, switch eyes, so that your left is closed and your right is open. Your thumb will appear to shift slightly against the background. By measuring this small change and knowing the distance between your eyes, you can calculate the distance to your thumb. That's trigonometry.

When it comes to measuring distances to other stars, there are no two eyes that could do the trick. Instead, the orbit of Earth around the sun provides the baseline for these calculations.

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